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School Resources

Social and ecological justice resources for teachers. 

Sandhurst JM Camp Benalla Planning

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A case study featuring Oliva from Tanzania with accompanying reflection questions and activities for Foundation to Year 2.

Seven questions to guide groups or individuals on integral ecology through the lens of Laudato Si'.

A story about Shirley, an indigenous health worker in the Philippines. Activities included.

This worksheet guides users to identify the Catholic Social Teaching principles in Caritas Australia's work.

Leaia's story, narrated for readers who benefit from reading along with a narrator.

Thandolwayo and her community now have access to clean water. 6 mins

Ronita's story, narrated for readers who benefit from reading along with a narrator. 

A resource designed to understand the scripture passages and Church teachings that underpin our understanding of the common good.

Match a set of photos with the different principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

A guide for reflection on current issues and how we can take action.

Priscilla's Story, narrated for readers who benefit from reading along with a narrator.

Primary school, secondary school and parish resources available to help you celebrate Laudato Si' Week 2024: 19-26 May.

The SDG manifesto with matching images to help you reflect on the SDGs.

A guide to help establish and maintain a social justice group/initiatives within your school.

An introduction video to Caritas Australia featuring stories from Project Compassion. 8 mins

A quiz based on water availability and consumption.

Viewing 85-105 of 260



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