Project Compassion Social Media Toolkit

We encourage you to include information about Project Compassion across your social media channels as a way of informing the wider community about how your school/parish is putting compassion into action; making a life-changing impact and creating better opportunities so that future generations may live to their full potential and thrive.

We have provided suggested content for social media posts throughout the campaign. Please adapt and include posts and photos about the activities your school/parish is doing for Project Compassion.

You can use the images provided in this zip. folder. Please note these photos can only be used in relation to Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion campaign.

You can also post links to any of the great resources and videos you find on our website.

If you would like any other information, logos or photos, please email us:


  • Don’t forget to use the #projectcompassion hashtag
  • Please tag Caritas Australia
Zip 34.6 MB

Resource Topics:

Project Compassion 2024

Resource Type:

Guides, Photos, General, Fundraising