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Caritas Australia welcomes a $10m government aid package for Gaza

Caritas Australia has welcomed a $10m aid package to support the World Food Programme in Gaza and echoed its calls for a ceasefire.

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Gaza HET A Caritas Worker Walks Through The Destruction In Gaza Photo Credit Caritas Jerusalem

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Fires From Protestors Rushing To Parliament House In Honiara. Credit Rose Everlyn Clough Caritas Australia

Protests have broken out this week in Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands, prompting aid workers to raise concerns about the impacts of the unrest on access to food and livelihoods.

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2. St John's Numurkah Parishioners Enjoy Fair Trade Tea In Their New Re Useable Mugs At Their Weekly After Mass Cuppa

With the Laudato Si Action Platform moving into the commitment phase, Catholic Earthcare has launched Earthcare Parishes to assist parishes on their journey towards the Laudato Si Goals.  

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PPE Kits Distribution In India. Credit Caritas India (1)

Caritas Australia, as a part of the End COVID For All Campaign, is urging the Federal Government to commit to supporting developing countries in the fight against COVID-19 before the virus mutates and renders current vaccines ineffective.

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Volunteers Distributing Aid In Beirut. Photo Caritas Lebanon

Lebanon's financial crisis continues to worsen with 90 per cent wiped off the value of the local currency since 2019, food prices inflated by up to 1000 per cent in some cases, and three-quarters of the population plunged into poverty in less than 18 months.   

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Aloma Familyv2

From 17 to 23 September, all donations to Caritas Australia’s Women for the World campaign will be doubled by a generous group of supporters, until we reach our target of $250,000. By donating during this period, supporters can help raise an amazing quarter of a million dollars to support vulnerable people around the world.   

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Aloma With Her Paperwork After Completing Her Training Courses. Credit Caritas Australia

Caritas Australia has launched its annual Women for the World campaign - which brings Australians together to help empower vulnerable women with the skills and resources they need to take control of their lives and forge their path out of poverty. 

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Volunteers Distribute Aid In Beirut. Photo Caritas Lebanon (1)

Lebanon has reached boiling point from enduring a series of crises that have been escalating over the past 18 months. Today, the population faces a dire humanitarian crisis with the country rapidly running out of power, water, fuel, medicine and food.   

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Destroyed House After Haiti Earthquake. Photo Caritas Haiti

After the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck the south of Haiti on Saturday August 14, Catholic agencies, Catholic Relief Services and Caritas Haiti have been working to provide relief to over 75,000 families affected.

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Caritas Australia Logo

Families are fleeing their homes, their livelihoods and their loved ones in Afghanistan after the lightning speed return to power by the Taliban, the fundamentalist faction that has now regained power after 20 years.

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Caritas Australia Logo

To respond to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor, and support the Social Justice statement 2021/2022, Catholic Earthcare Australia has launched the national #act4ourcommonhome campaign. 

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Earthquake Damage In Haiti. Photo Catholic Relief Services

The Haitian government has declared a state of emergency, and is anticipating casualties and injuries to rise. 

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Volunteers Distribute Food Kits After Blast. Photo Caritas Lebanon 2

On August 4 2020, a tragic explosion in the Beirut port in Lebanon killed more than 200 people, injured more than 7,500 and left approximately 300,000 homeless. 

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Caritas Australia CEO Kirsty Robertson With Staff At A Prison In Cambodia

This World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on July 30, Caritas Australia celebrates its partner, Caritas Cambodia, working to help prevent human trafficking. Caritas Cambodia supports prisoners to develop the skills necessary to find meaningful work after imprisonment

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Distribution Of PPE To Health Centers. Photo Caritas Indonesia (2) (1)

Indonesia continues to battle a serious outbreak of COVID-19, which is quickly spiraling out of control as the virulent Delta variant spreads across the nation.   

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Distribution Of PPE To Health Centers. Photo Caritas Indonesia (1)

A report released by the UN this week shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to the most significant increase in world hunger in decades, with global hunger increasing last year by an astonishing 18 per cent compared to the year before.  

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Health Information Kiosk. Photo Caritas India

As New South Wales negotiates its lockdown, communities across India continue to struggle with ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks, with a concerning impact on some of the poorest and most marginalised.   

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Cultural Burning With Aboriginal Carbon Foundation. Photo Credit Richard Wainwright

Caritas Australia is excited to announce a new partnership with the innovative Aboriginal Carbon Foundation, an organisation that works with Indigenous communities to build sustainable economies through carbon farming.   

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Flood Damage Aftermath Indonesia Caritas Indonesia

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has recently announced new emergency measures to contain the latest COVID-19 surge in the country.  

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Jamila At A Women Friendly Space In Bangladesh

This World Refugee Day on June 20, Caritas Australia celebrates the Rohingya refugees working together to improve living conditions and community safety in Cox’s Bazar, the largest refugee camp in the world. Recent research by Caritas Australia and local partner, Caritas Bangladesh, has found that community-based programs in the camps have had a significant positive impact on the wellbeing of women and children. 

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Caritas Australia Staff During Bilateral Meeting With Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand. Photo Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand

Caritas Australia was welcomed to Wellington, New Zealand, by Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, for a bilateral meeting last week. The goal was to reconfirm the commitment to collaboration on the shared objective to address global poverty and inequities.   

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Men unpacking truck with PPE in PNG

Caritas Australia welcomes the commitment made Wednesday night by the Australian Government to pledge an additional $50 million to the international vaccine effort, COVAX, which aims to provide much-needed vaccine doses to lower-income countries to combat global vaccine inequity. 

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