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Australian First Nations Rights - Secondary


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Australian First Nations Rights - Secondary

This is a resource including classroom presentation for secondary students and accompanying Teacher's Notes PDF, containing information, First Nations Australian case studies, learning tasks and full curriculum links. It also identifies the stage of the SEE – JUDGE – ACT – PRAY learning inquiry cycle used in Caritas Australia’s education resources.

For decades, First Nations Peoples have advocated for the rights and recognition of their communities. The international adoption of the landmark United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2007 is testament to their collective success at making their voices heard. Learning activities attempt to emphasise the experiences of communities Caritas Australia works with, highlighting some common themes regarding First Australians' human rights and their experiences of injustice, and promoting positive solutions for future progress.

Content and Learning Tasks in this resource link to a range of Cross-curriculum Priorities, General Capabilities and Learning Areas of the Australian Curriculum v9, including: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures, Intercultural Understanding, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding, English, The Arts and HASS (including Civics and Citizenship, History and Geography).

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