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School Resources

Social and ecological justice resources for teachers. 

Sandhurst JM Camp Benalla Planning

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Purchase both the Catholic Social Teaching Card Set and the Laudato Si' Card Set for the special price of $60

Includes 50 beautiful reflection cards to deepen understanding of integral ecology through the Laudato Si’ goals. Designed for use with individuals or small groups with students or staff.

The beautiful box set includes 36 photographs plus activity ideas, definitions, reflection questions, Bible verses, quotes and prayers.  

This PowerPoint has been designed as a broad introduction to the key principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

A classroom resource exploring the rights of First Nations Australians, with information, case studies and learning tasks.

Biography of Saint Oscar Romero, patron saint of Caritas.

A short video explaining the Catholic Social teaching principle: Human Dignity.
4 mins

A short video explaining the Catholic Social teaching principle: Preferential Option for the Poor.
4 mins

A short video explaining the Catholic Social teaching principle: Solidarity.
4 mins

This calendar highlights key social and ecological justice days throughout the year.

A short video explaining the Catholic Social teaching principle: Care for Our Common Home.
4 mins

A prayer attributed to St Oscar Romero, patron saint of Caritas Internationalis.

Seven questions to guide groups or individuals on integral ecology through the lens of Laudato Si'.

This worksheet guides users to identify the Catholic Social Teaching principles in Caritas Australia's work.

A resource designed to understand the scripture passages and Church teachings that underpin our understanding of the common good.

Match a set of photos with the different principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

A guide for reflection on current issues and how we can take action.

A guide to help establish and maintain a social justice group/initiatives within your school.

An introduction video to Caritas Australia featuring stories from Project Compassion. 8 mins

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