Students make a social justice action plan. Photo credit: Caritas Australia

School resources

Social and ecological justice resources for teachers. 

Viewing 21-39 of 39

FILM - Anatercia's Story (Mozambique) - Secondary

Anatercia, a 12-year-old girl living in southern Mozambique has improved her life with the support of Caritas Australia and it's partners. 

FILM - Biru's Story (India)

The Story of Biru who gained the support and skills he needed to establish his own bicycle repair business.

FILM - Janice's Story (Australia)

A Wagilak woman, Janice is a traditional dancer who has worked to support her community to generate income and employment, while keeping culture alive.

FILM - Rosalie's Story (Democratic Republic of Congo)

The story of Rosalie who is a now a business owner, a community leader and a role model for other ex-combatants seeking to readjust to civilian life.

FILM - Shaniella's Story (Solomon Islands)

Shaniella was able to overcome the challenges of natural disasters, and gain the skills she needs to create a brighter future for herself.

A Day in the Life - Anatercia (Mozambique)

A day in the life of Anatercia, a 12-year-old girl living in Mozambique.

A Day in the Life - Biru (India)

A day in the life with Biru who, gained the support and skills he needed to establish his own bicycle repair business.

A Day in the Life - Janice (Australia)

Janice is a traditional dancer who tells her family’s stories through movements handed down over generations. 

A Day in the Life - Rosalie (DRC)

A day in the life with Rosalie from the Democratic Republic of Congo, who learnt new skills to build a new life for her family. 

A Day in the Life- Shaniella (Solomon Islands)

A day in the life with Shaniella, who attends a rural training centre in the Solomon Islands. 

Film - Jamila's Story (Bangladesh)

A story about Jamila, a woman who escaped conflict to find refuge in Cox's Bazar Refugee Camp in Bangladesh. 3 mins

Film - Margret's Story (Solomon Islands)

With Caritas Australia’s support, Margret’s school installed water tanks, repaired cyclone damage, implemented COVID-19 prevention measures, and boosted food security. 3:30 mins

Film - Oliva's Story (Tanzania)

Oliva attended Caritas Australia-supported literacy and numeracy classes and also set up a home classroom to teach her neighbours. 2:37 mins

Film - Halima's Story (Bangladesh)

Halima is raising her two children in a Bangladeshi refugee camp, while caring for her mother who has a disability. 3:22 mins

A Day in the Life - Tereesa (Australia)

This short film provides an insight into Tereesa's daily life and activities with Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation.

Film - Tereesa's Story (Australia)

This short film shares Tereesa's story and the support of the Baabayn Aboriginal Coporation.

Film - Priscilla's Story (Zimbabwe)

This short film shares how Priscilla learnt conservation farming to grow enough food to support her family.

Video - Aloma (Philippines)

Aloma and her community have learnt the skills to protect their environment and develop resilience to extreme weather events. 
Approx. 4 mins

Video - Phany (Cambodia)

Phany has learnt improved water management techniques to grow enough crops to support her family. 
Approx. 5 mins