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School Resources

Social and ecological justice resources for teachers. 

Sandhurst JM Camp Benalla Planning

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Audit how well the principles of Catholic Social Teaching are taught and lived in your school community.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) prayer service. Includes a PowerPoint and separate Leader's notes.

A guided reflection highlighting the interconnectedness of all creation.

This resource is designed to challenge our understanding of the definition of The Common Good. Students are read a statement and they are to decide if they agree, disagree or undecided on the statement. 

Reflect on our strengths and assets and how we can work towards the common good.

Learn about Caritas Australia, the international aid and development agency of the Catholic Church in Australia. 

A resource designed to understand how we can work towards the common good in our own local communities.

A series of ‘See, Judge, Act’ lessons on the environment/creation through a Catholic lens.

The Walking with God Program invites participants to connect with the wonder and awe of God’s creation.

A template to assist students to be aware of global injustices.

A collection of beautiful CST posters to display the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. 

A research activity on Oscar Romero.

The Beatitudes for Modern Christians is a reflective presentation that has been adapted using content from Pope Francis' Homily on the 1st November 2016. 

Adapted May 2024

An information PPT about the Sustainable Development Goals, their links to Catholic Social Teachings and the work of Caritas Australia.

An introduction to the principles of Catholic Social Teaching for primary school students.

Start your day or meeting with this prayer.

A short video explaining the Catholic Social teaching principles: Subsidiarity and Participation.
4 mins

Plan your social justice actions to create lasting change.

A short video explaining the Catholic Social teaching principle: The Common Good.
4 mins

A template to explore the problems and solutions of a social justice issue. Suitable for upper primary and secondary students.

A PowerPoint slide of Isaiah 58:6-9 with accompanying cartoons.

Viewing 22-42 of 58

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