Laxmi using a water tap that she advocated to have installed as a member of the Child Club at her old school in Jajarkot district, western Nepal. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Parish Resources

Resources to help foster faith and action for social and ecological justice in your parish or community group. 

Viewing 1-16 of 16

Introduction to Caritas Australia (Parish)

An introduction to the work of Caritas Australia for parish communities. This presentation explains what we do, where we work and why we help others. 

Pptx 30.4 MB

Laudato Si' Reflection

Two-page guide to reflect on how we can respond to the encyclical Laudato Si'.

Pdf 926.1 KB

Poverty - Secondary

An introduction to the issue of global poverty.

Pptx 13 MB

Root Causes of Poverty - Secondary

Dig deeper into the root causes of poverty.

Pptx 5 MB

Caring for Creation - Parish

A series of ‘See, Judge, Act’ sessions on the environment/creation through a Catholic lens.

Pptx 12.8 MB

CST Worksheet

This worksheet guides users to identify the Catholic Social Teaching principles in Caritas Australia's work.

Pdf 226.7 KB

Be Aware Template

A template to assist students to be aware of global injustices.

Pdf 307.5 KB

Be Active Template

Reflect on our strengths and assets and how we can work towards the common good.

Pdf 216.4 KB

Be More Reflection Guide and Personal Planner

A guide for reflection on current issues and how we can take action.

Pdf 62 KB

Human trafficking and modern slavery

A reference guide to learn about human trafficking and modern slavery.

Pdf 1.3 MB

Make Hunger History Information- Secondary/Parish

An information PPT about the Africa food crisis and the Make Hunger History campaign.

Pptx 33.4 MB

Climate-Related Displacement of People

A PowerPoint explaining how people are displaced due to climate related events.

Pptx 15.8 MB

Catechist Resources - Primary

Pptx 8.5 MB

Catechist Resource - Secondary

Includes three Project Compassion stories with activities linked to Lent and Catholic Social Teaching.  

Pptx 5.2 MB

Advent 2023 - Primary Schools and Families

Our interactive Advent Calendar designed especially for primary school students and families, uses the See-Judge-Act-Pray rhythm to guide daily reflection.

Strengths Based Approach to Community Development (Parish)

A PowerPoint presentation that explains Caritas Australia's Strengths-based Approach to community development for parishes. 

Pptx 10.9 MB