Laxmi using a water tap that she advocated to have installed as a member of the Child Club at her old school in Jajarkot district, western Nepal. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Parish Resources

Resources to help foster faith and action for social and ecological justice in your parish or community group. 

Viewing 1-8 of 8

Refugee Prayer

A prayer for refugees.

Pptx 38.6 MB

Video - Solidarity (CST)

A short video explaining the Catholic Social teaching principle: Solidarity.
4 mins

Make Hunger History Information- Secondary/Parish

An information PPT about the Africa food crisis and the Make Hunger History campaign.

Pptx 33.4 MB

Make Hunger History - Posters

Posters promoting the Make Hunger History campaign to raise awareness and money for the Africa Food Crisis. 

Pdf 7 MB

Make Hunger History - Grace Prayer

A mealtime prayer placemat, focused on the Africa Food Crisis.

Pdf 1.7 MB

Film - Jamila's Story (Bangladesh)

A story about Jamila, a woman who escaped conflict to find refuge in Cox's Bazar Refugee Camp in Bangladesh. 3 mins

Film - Halima's Story (Bangladesh)

Halima is raising her two children in a Bangladeshi refugee camp, while caring for her mother who has a disability. 3:22 mins

Climate-Related Displacement of People

A PowerPoint explaining how people are displaced due to climate related events.

Pptx 15.8 MB