Laxmi using a water tap that she advocated to have installed as a member of the Child Club at her old school in Jajarkot district, western Nepal. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Parish Resources

Resources to help foster faith and action for social and ecological justice in your parish or community group. 

Viewing 1-20 of 23

Video - Preferential Option for the Poor (CST)

A short video explaining the Catholic Social teaching principle: Preferential Option for the Poor.
4 mins

Poverty Quiz - General / Secondary

A global poverty quiz for secondary students /adults. 

Pptx 4.8 MB

Poverty - Secondary

An introduction to the issue of global poverty.

Pptx 13 MB

Root Causes of Poverty - Secondary

Dig deeper into the root causes of poverty.

Pptx 5 MB

Film - Laxmi (Nepal)

This short film shares how Laxmi became a leader in her school and a mentor to other girls in her village.

Film - Thu's Story (Vietnam)

This short film shares how Thu can now earn extra income and support his wife as she recovers from a stroke.

Sustainable Development Goals Manifesto Reflection

The SDG manifesto with matching images to help you reflect on the SDGs.

Pptx 3.8 MB

Video - Shirley (Philippines)

Caritas Australia supported Shirley to train as an indigenous health worker in the Philippines. 
Approx. 5 mins

All Board Games

Learn about Caritas programs through playing seven different board games. Have fun!

Pdf 7.8 MB

FILM - Biru's Story (India)

The Story of Biru who gained the support and skills he needed to establish his own bicycle repair business.

FILM - Rosalie's Story (Democratic Republic of Congo)

The story of Rosalie who is a now a business owner, a community leader and a role model for other ex-combatants seeking to readjust to civilian life.

FILM - Shaniella's Story (Solomon Islands)

Shaniella was able to overcome the challenges of natural disasters, and gain the skills she needs to create a brighter future for herself.

Film - Oliva's Story (Tanzania)

Oliva attended Caritas Australia-supported literacy and numeracy classes and also set up a home classroom to teach her neighbours. 2:37 mins

Laxmi's Story with AD

Laxmi's Story, audio described for blind or vision-impaired readers.

Priscilla's Story with AD

Priscilla's Story, audio described for blind or vision-impaired readers.

Thu's Story with AD

Thu's Story, audio described for blind or vision-impaired readers.

Film - Tereesa's Story (Australia)

This short film shares Tereesa's story and the support of the Baabayn Aboriginal Coporation.

Tereesa's Story with AD

Tereesa's Story, audio described for blind or vision-impaired readers.

Film - Priscilla's Story (Zimbabwe)

This short film shares how Priscilla learnt conservation farming to grow enough food to support her family.

Photo Storybooks with Audio Description

Three Project Compassion 2024 photo storybooks, audio described for blind or vision-impaired readers.