Laxmi using a water tap that she advocated to have installed as a member of the Child Club at her old school in Jajarkot district, western Nepal. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Parish Resources

Resources to help foster faith and action for social and ecological justice in your parish or community group. 

Viewing 1-20 of 21


Season of Creation Prayer Service - Parish

A prayer service to mark the Season of Creation (1 Sept – 4 Oct), for parishes.

Zip 27.2 MB

Video - Human Dignity (CST)

A short video explaining the Catholic Social teaching principle: Human Dignity.
4 mins

Video - The Common Good (CST)

A short video explaining the Catholic Social teaching principle: The Common Good.
4 mins

Video - Solidarity (CST)

A short video explaining the Catholic Social teaching principle: Solidarity.
4 mins

Video - Preferential Option for the Poor (CST)

A short video explaining the Catholic Social teaching principle: Preferential Option for the Poor.
4 mins

Video - Subsidiarity and Participation (CST)

A short video explaining the Catholic Social teaching principles: Subsidiarity and Participation.
4 mins

Video - Care for Our Common Home (CST)

A short video explaining the Catholic Social teaching principle: Care for Our Common Home.
4 mins

Catholic Social Teaching Prayer - Parish

A prayer focused on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

Pptx 11.1 MB

Laudato Si’ Goals Reflection Cards

A set of 7 reflection cards based on the Laudato Si' Action Goals.

Pdf 12.3 MB

The Laudato Si' Goals - Parish

A presentation about the Laudato Si' Goals, with questions and links to help your parish reflect on its understanding and practice of integral ecology.

Pptx 32.2 MB

Laudato Si' Reflection

Two-page guide to reflect on how we can respond to the encyclical Laudato Si'.

Pdf 926.1 KB

Integral Ecology Reflection

A guided reflection highlighting the interconnectedness of all creation.

Pdf 31.8 MB

Catholic Social Teaching (CST) Card Set

The beautiful box set includes 36 photographs plus activity ideas, definitions, reflection questions, Bible verses, quotes and prayers.  

7 Questions to Guide Reflection on Integral Ecology

Seven questions to guide groups or individuals on integral ecology through the lens of Laudato Si'.

Pdf 4.2 MB

Caring for Creation - Parish

A series of ‘See, Judge, Act’ sessions on the environment/creation through a Catholic lens.

Pptx 12.8 MB

Key Principles of Catholic Social Teaching (CST)

This PowerPoint has been designed as a broad introduction to the key principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

Pptx 4.4 MB

CST Worksheet

This worksheet guides users to identify the Catholic Social Teaching principles in Caritas Australia's work.

Pdf 226.7 KB

Sustainable Development Goals Prayer Service

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) prayer service. Includes a PowerPoint and separate Leader's notes.

Zip 51 MB

First Australian Subsidiarity Statement Summary

A one page poster which links the experience of First Australians and Subsidiarity.

Pdf 220 KB

Integral Ecology Framework

Assists in applying the concept of integral ecology.

Png 111.2 KB