Laxmi using a water tap that she advocated to have installed as a member of the Child Club at her old school in Jajarkot district, western Nepal. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Parish Resources

Resources to help foster faith and action for social and ecological justice in your parish or community group. 

Viewing 41-49 of 49

Make Hunger History - Grace Prayer

A mealtime prayer placemat, focused on the Africa Food Crisis.

Pdf 1.7 MB

FILM - Biru's Story (India)

The Story of Biru who gained the support and skills he needed to establish his own bicycle repair business.

FILM - Janice's Story (Australia)

A Wagilak woman, Janice is a traditional dancer who has worked to support her community to generate income and employment, while keeping culture alive.

FILM - Rosalie's Story (Democratic Republic of Congo)

The story of Rosalie who is a now a business owner, a community leader and a role model for other ex-combatants seeking to readjust to civilian life.

FILM - Shaniella's Story (Solomon Islands)

Shaniella was able to overcome the challenges of natural disasters, and gain the skills she needs to create a brighter future for herself.

Video - Aloma (Philippines)

Aloma and her community have learnt the skills to protect their environment and develop resilience to extreme weather events. 
Approx. 4 mins

Video - Phany (Cambodia)

Phany has learnt improved water management techniques to grow enough crops to support her family. 
Approx. 5 mins

Climate-Related Displacement of People

A PowerPoint explaining how people are displaced due to climate related events.

Pptx 15.8 MB

Prayers of the Faithful

A range of Prayers of the Faithful that align with various social justice days throughout the year.

Pdf 85.2 KB