Laxmi using a water tap that she advocated to have installed as a member of the Child Club at her old school in Jajarkot district, western Nepal. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Parish Resources

Resources to help foster faith and action for social and ecological justice in your parish or community group. 

Viewing 1-16 of 16

Refugee Prayer

A prayer for refugees.

Pptx 38.6 MB

Laudato Si’ Goals Reflection Cards

A set of 7 reflection cards based on the Laudato Si' Action Goals.

Pdf 12.3 MB

Poverty Quiz - General / Secondary

A global poverty quiz for secondary students /adults. 

Pptx 4.8 MB

Poverty - Secondary

An introduction to the issue of global poverty.

Pptx 13 MB

Root Causes of Poverty - Secondary

Dig deeper into the root causes of poverty.

Pptx 5 MB

7 Questions to Guide Reflection on Integral Ecology

Seven questions to guide groups or individuals on integral ecology through the lens of Laudato Si'.

Pdf 4.2 MB

Caritas Food Prayer

A prayer for those who suffer from hunger and food insecurity in our world. 

Pptx 1.4 MB

Key Principles of Catholic Social Teaching (CST)

This PowerPoint has been designed as a broad introduction to the key principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

Pptx 4.4 MB

Prayer Against Human Trafficking (Secondary)

Information and prayers for World Day of Prayer, Reflection and Action Against Human Trafficking.

Pdf 145.7 KB

Human trafficking and modern slavery

A reference guide to learn about human trafficking and modern slavery.

Pdf 1.3 MB

Video - Shirley (Philippines)

Caritas Australia supported Shirley to train as an indigenous health worker in the Philippines. 
Approx. 5 mins

Make Hunger History Information- Secondary/Parish

An information PPT about the Africa food crisis and the Make Hunger History campaign.

Pptx 33.4 MB

All Board Games

Learn about Caritas programs through playing seven different board games. Have fun!

Pdf 7.8 MB

Video - Aloma (Philippines)

Aloma and her community have learnt the skills to protect their environment and develop resilience to extreme weather events. 
Approx. 4 mins

Video - Phany (Cambodia)

Phany has learnt improved water management techniques to grow enough crops to support her family. 
Approx. 5 mins

Climate-Related Displacement of People

A PowerPoint explaining how people are displaced due to climate related events.

Pptx 15.8 MB