Media Releases

Project Compassion launch for 2023 at St Patrick's School Wangaratta. Photo: Sandhurst Diocese.

Caritas Australia thanks schools and parishes for incredible Project Compassion fundraising over Lent

11 Apr 23

Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten fundraiser Project Compassion has been a success this year thanks to the dedication and support of over 1,700 schools and 1,200 parishes across the country.  

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Project Compassion helping those hit by war, crises and disasters

03 Apr 23

For over half a century, generations of Australians have participated in Project Compassion. Project Compassion began in 1965–making it one of the nation’s longest running charity campaigns.

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Caritas Australia introduces Catholic Social Teaching Card Sets

31 Mar 23

Caritas Australia has launched its first-ever Catholic Social Teaching (CST) Card Sets, taking its existing Catholic Social Teaching Toolkit and resources, and creating an accessible and portable way to integrate CST principles for schools, parishes and workplaces.  


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Lulu Mitshabu, Caritas Australia's Program Coordinator for DRC Centre at Parliament House on 20 March 2023 before the Help Fight Famine pre-budget paper launch. Photo: Caritas Australia.

Caritas Australia calls for famine package to prevent catastrophe in hunger hotspots

21 Mar 23

Caritas Australia is calling on the Australian Government to urgently prevent catastrophe in the worst-affected hunger hotspots in the Horn of Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Yemen, Afghanistan and Syria. 

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Women at the Young Mums and Bubs Group at Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia.

Project Compassion supports Indigenous ‘Young Mums and Bubs’ group

15 Mar 23

Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation’s Young Mums and Bubs Group, supported by Caritas Australia, supports young women in the community with practical support like housing and helps mentor the next generation of young people.

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Priscilla walking her grandchildren to school. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Project Compassion helps Priscilla beat drought

09 Mar 23

Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion campaign introduces us this week to Priscilla from Zimbabwe, who is using her conservation farming skills to grow drought-resistant crops and farm poultry to support her family during the current food crisis. 

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Destruction from earthquake in 2023. Photo: Caritas network.

Caritas Australia raises over $1 million for Türkiye-Syria earthquake

27 Feb 23

Since the devastating Türkiye-Syria earthquake on February 6, Caritas Australia has raised more than $1 million for the Türkiye-Syria earthquake appeal. 

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Ukraine’s year of displacement and devastation

23 Feb 23

After twelve months of conflict in Ukraine, the toll on civilians has been catastrophic. Thousands have been killed, many more injured, millions forced to flee, and homes and vital infrastructure have been destroyed. 

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Laxmi walks on a suspension bridge next to her home in Jajarkot district, western Nepal. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Caritas Australia launches Project Compassion 2023

21 Feb 23

Caritas Australia has announced the launch of Project Compassion 2023, its annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal.

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The destroyed Cathedral of Iskenderun. Photo: Caritas network.

Caritas Australia welcomes recent humanitarian aid commitments from government

20 Feb 23

Caritas Australia welcomes the Australian Government's announcement that it will contribute an additional $25 million in emergency assistance to help address food insecurity in the Horn of Africa, Yemen and Pakistan, and a further $8 million for earthquake assistance in Türkiye and Syria. 

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Caritas staff responding to earthquake damage. Photo: Caritas network.

Fears Türkiye-Syria death toll will double in race against time to rescue trapped survivors

14 Feb 23

The death toll from last week’s two earthquakes has now surpassed 36,000 across Türkiye and Syria, with thousands more injured and fears that the numbers may reach as high as 50,000.  

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Lulu Mitshabu (second from right) visiting Caritas Australia partners in DRC In Jan 2023. Photo: Lulu Mitshabu/Caritas Australia.

Caritas Australia aid worker meets with Holy Father in Democratic Republic of Congo

02 Feb 23

Lulu Mitshabu, Caritas Australia’s Program Coordinator for Democratic Republic of Congo, had the honour of meeting with His Holy Father Pope Francis on 31 January.  

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Caritas Tonga staff pre-positioning supplies. Photo credit: Caritas Tonga

Caritas Australia remembers Tonga volcanic eruption and tsunami

13 Jan 23

Sunday 15 January marks one year since the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai undersea volcano violently erupted, releasing billowing plumes of ash, water vapour and sulphur dioxide 57km into the atmosphere – the highest ever recorded from a volcano. 

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Michael Peyra farewell at Caritas Australia. L-R: Dan Skehan, Kirsty Robertson, Michael Peyra. Photo: Caritas Australia.

Caritas Australia thanks Michael Peyra for 17 years of service

12 Jan 23

After a remarkable 17 years, Caritas Australia is saying farewell to Michael Peyra, Caritas Australia’s Senior Coordinator for Design, Monitoring and Evaluation in the Pacific.  

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Woman in IDP camp in Democratic Republic of Congo. Photo Bitita Dany/Caritas Goma.

Caritas Australia launches urgent appeal for Democratic Republic of Congo

16 Dec 22

Caritas agencies are responding to support communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo, who have been facing escalating conflict and displacement since the rebel militia group M23 seized a swath of the east of the country just over a year ago.  

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Quan with students from his school. Photo credit: Phan Tam Lam

Caritas Australia’s Christmas Appeal celebrates the Joy of a Child’s Smile

14 Dec 22

In the wake of a year filled with crises, Caritas Australia has launched its annual Christmas Appeal to support the most vulnerable communities across the globe.  

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Ambassador Bruce Edwards, the Australian Ambassador for Ukraine, visiting Caritas Australia’s Partner in Moldova, CRS Moldova. Photo: Schimbator Studio.

Australian Ambassador for Ukraine visits Caritas Australia’s partner, CRS Moldova

01 Dec 22

Ambassador Bruce Edwards, the Australia Ambassador for Ukraine, recently visited Caritas Australia’s partner in Moldova, CRS Moldova, to meet the local families that have welcomed Ukrainian refugees.  

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Caritas Australia staff calling Supporters to thank them on Caritas Australia's Thank You Day 2022. Photo: Caritas Australia.

Caritas Australia holds Thank You Day for supporters across Australia

30 Nov 22

To celebrate the first week of the season of Advent, Caritas Australia held its first ever Thank You Day this week, where staff from across the organisation came together to thank over 2,800 supporters with personal phone calls, emails and handwritten cards.  

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Impacts of the earthquake out the back of a staff member's house in Solomon Islands. Photo: Rose Clough/Caritas Australia Solomon Islands.

 Over 50,000 displaced in the wake of Indonesian earthquake

24 Nov 22

Caritas agencies are responding after over 50,000 people were displaced in the wake of the magnitude 5.6 earthquake that struck Indonesia this week.  

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