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  7. Project Compassion sees clean water delivered to students in Samoa

10 MAR 25

Project Compassion sees clean water delivered to students in Samoa

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Toefuata'iga At School With Students

Toefuata'iga is 13 years old and lives in Samoa where access to clean water is a daily struggle. Despite Samoa being surrounded by water, her school has often faced water shortages that threatened both the health and education of its students.  

Previously, water shortages meant teachers had to leave the school to fetch water from nearby homes, or end classes early as children had no water to drink and no way to wash their hands. Many students also missed periods of schooling as they would repeatedly contract waterborne diseases. 

These shortages were due to a vulnerable pipeline system that is frequently shut down due to natural disasters and disrepair leaving many communities relying on rainwater capture. Dry periods and unpredictable weather caused by climate change meant that Toefuata'iga’s community, and her education, had reached a crisis point. 

Through the support of Caritas Australia and the generosity of its supporters, Caritas Australia was able to partner with Caritas Samoa to support Toefuata'iga’s school. 

A 10,000-litre water tank has been installed at the school which stores enough clean water for the school’s 300+ students and teachers. This ensures that the school can remain open, with students staying hydrated and well.  

Principal Ada said, "When we opened our water tank, the parents were really happy, they were over the moon... And now they don't have any problems. Now we don’t need to send the children home early, and we can keep up with our lessons. It’s made such a difference." 

Toefuata'iga’s story reminds us that access to water is more than just a convenience, as it enables her education which is key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Reflecting on her own future, Toefuata'iga said “I would like to become a good teacher. To teach the children so they will have a brighter future.”   

To donate, look for the Project Compassion donation boxes, click the link below, or call 1800 024 413 toll free.  

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