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  7. Caritas supporting marginalised communities three years after Nepal earthquake

17 MAY 18

Caritas supporting marginalised communities three years after Nepal earthquake

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210 201005 Nepal Earthquake Anniversary Jennifer Hardy Crs

Three years after the Nepal earthquake, which killed 9,000 people and injured more than 22,000, Caritas Australia continues to restore infrastructure, livelihoods and community wellbeing in the earthquake prone country.

Through our International Network, Caritas Australia is working with Caritas Nepal to build earthquake and disaster resistant houses to equip communities against future risks.

Through an empowerment campaign, called, in Nepalese, “Surakshit Awas Afain Banau Aviyaan!” or “Let’s Build Earthquake Resistant Houses ourselves!” Caritas has built over 4000 new homes and re-built 13 village communities across Nepal with earthquake resistant buildings.

Melville Fernandez, Manager of Humanitarian Emergencies at Caritas Australia, described the ways that Caritas Australia is working with Caritas Nepal to improve entire communities following the disaster.

“Caritas Nepal continues to focus on effectively reaching the most vulnerable community members with shelter and livelihoods support. We recognise that households face many challenges to rebuild their homes and improve their lives and so are working with local communities to create employment opportunities,” Mr Fernandez said.

“Caritas Nepal’s active engagement with the government at the central and local levels has created opportunities which help these ongoing recovery efforts.”

For Mr. Chankhey Tamang, a Caritas constructed home has created a sense of hope for the future. Chankhey, aged 48, is disabled with a family of six to look after, and was worried by the huge challenge of home construction.

“I can’t carry anything on my back, and I can’t walk long distances. Some people of other caste groups look down upon me because of my disability,” Chankhey said.

“Yet I was among the first ones in the village to reconstruct shelter, and I am extremely thankful to Caritas Nepal for all the support they provided me to accomplish this task”.

Immediately following the earthquake, the global Caritas network was able to reach over 59,000 households in some of the hardest hit areas with emergency aid, including temporary shelters, blankets, water and hygiene kits, and non-food items.

Your support of Caritas Australia ensures that essential aid and development opportunities can be created across Nepal as it moves forward into a brighter future. Find out more or donate now at www.caritas.org.au/asia.

Caritas Media contact: caritasmedia@caritas.org.au.

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