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  7. Caritas Australia to host Service of Solidarity with Gaza and the Holy Land

21 NOV 23

Caritas Australia to host Service of Solidarity with Gaza and the Holy Land

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Service Of Solidarity

Caritas Australia will host a virtual Service of Solidarity in recognition of the human suffering in the Holy Land, serving as a place for the community to come together in hope and healing.

All are welcome to the service, which will take place via Zoom on Monday 27th November from 4:30 to 5:00 pm AEDT. Registration details are below.

The service will be led by Michael McGirr, Mission Facilitator at Caritas Australia, with guest speakers contributing prayers.

Michael McGirr said of the service, “In a time of deep sorrow and anguish for us all, we look for hope and healing. Let us come together in love, prayer, and support. Let us acknowledge the reality that impacts us all as we share messages of hope.”

Please register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Those wanting to further support those affected in the Holy Land can also sign the Caritas Australia petition for an immediate ceasefire and increased humanitarian assistance in Gaza, or support Caritas Australia’s Gaza Appeal.



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