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  7. Caritas Australia joins Parramatta electorate forum on building a ‘Safer World for All’

06 MAR 25

Caritas Australia joins Parramatta electorate forum on building a ‘Safer World for All’

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Samir Bennegadi CEO Of Islamic Relief Services Sureka Goringe National Director At Uniting World Liz Tilly Australian Greens Candidate And Kirsten Sayers Interim CEO At Caritas Australia At The Parramatta Electorate

Caritas Australia has joined with other aid agencies and faith-based organisations to hold a candidates' forum to highlight the pressing need for international aid in the current global climate. All candidates for the federal electorate of Parramatta were invited to attend to discuss Australia's response to the increasing number of conflicts, crises and natural disasters and the role of our aid and development program 

Attendees included Australian Labor Party MP Mr. Andrew Charlton who is the sitting member for Parramatta and Australian Greens candidate Liz Tilly. Liberal Party candidate Katie Mullens was unable to attend but sent a message of support.  

Candidates shared their party’s position on international development ahead of the federal election.  

Kirsten Sayers, Interim CEO at Caritas Australia said, “Australian values, of being a good neighbour and ensuring everyone has a fair go, are at odds with rising global need and declining global aid budgets.” 

“The ‘Safer World for All’ electorate forum last night provided voters in Parramatta with the opportunity to understand how their local candidates intend to rise to the challenge of investing in the safety and security of the world around us.  

“We support the team from ACFID and Micah in hosting these forums as part of its Safer World for All campaign, which asks for our aid budget to be lifted from 0.68% of the federal budget to its previous level of 1% - something that could make a real difference to the futures of the world’s most vulnerable.” 

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