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  7. Caritas Australia gives thanks for Project Compassion 2024

28 MAR 24

Caritas Australia gives thanks for Project Compassion 2024

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Gwen Michener At St Simon The Apostle Parish In Rowville With A Visiting Priest From Flores Island In Indonesia Fr David Lemewu Photo Credit Caritas Australia

As Easter approaches, Project Compassion 2024 nears its end, following six weeks of Parishes, schools, organisations, and individuals donating and taking part in hundreds of events across the country. Around 1,700 schools take part each year, with the Caritas Australia team also having spoken at 350 masses across Lent.

With that in mind, Caritas Australia extends a heartfelt thank you to all staff, volunteers, and community members involved in making Project Compassion a success.

For over half a century, generations of Australians have participated in Project Compassion, which began in 1965, making it one of the nation’s longest running charity campaigns. Over the years it has served to teach people all over Australia about the people, families, and communities impacted by their generosity.

The theme for Project Compassion this year was “For All Future Generations,” highlighting the stories of three resilient young women, and drawing from the story of the burning bush in Exodus 3:1-20.

Michael McGirr Mission Facilitator at Caritas Australia said, ‘As we approach the celebration of Easter, we are immensely grateful to all those communities who share the peace and hope that comes from our faith in the risen Lord through supporting Project Compassion. Our sixtieth anniversary has been a special time for us. We try to be a little like Simon of Cyrene, helping those who carry the cross in this day and age.’

Caritas Australia’s Community Engagement team works tirelessly throughout Lent to bring Project Compassion to as many communities as possible, with the team headed up by Mission Facilitator Michael McGirr.

Gwen Michener, Paul Reid, and Andrew Knife work in support across states and territories, alongside a nationwide network of dedicated Diocesan Directors, all of whom play a vital role in bringing the campaign to life across schools and parishes.


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