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  7. Caritas Australia Conveys Solidarity to Lebanon

05 AUG 20

Caritas Australia Conveys Solidarity to Lebanon

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Caritas Australia Conveys Solidarity To Lebanon

Caritas Australia is shocked and deeply saddened by the events that took place in Lebanon overnight. Reports indicate that massive explosion occurred at the port in Beirut at around 6pm on 4 August 2020 local time, killing at least 70 people and injuring thousands more.

Thankfully, we can report that all Caritas in-country staff and partners are safe and accounted for. We are monitoring the situation and are in regular contact with our partners on the ground.

Damage is extensive, with the blast shattering windows, knocking down doors and shaking buildings. Hospitals are amongst the hundreds of buildings damaged and uninhabitable, impacting the city’s ability to manage casualties.

Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have been affected by the blast and with the entire Lebanese community, as they deal with this on top of the many issues facing the country at the moment with the community dealing with COVID-19 lockdowns and current economic crisis.

Currently Caritas Australia supports two programs in Lebanon:

  • A Protection program supporting shelters for women and children who have been impacted by gender-based violence. This program is supported by the Australian government through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) and is now in its 4th year.
  • A humanitarian program supporting Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese host families. The program enables project participants to access income-generating activities, protection services and education, as well as basic humanitarian needs.

Caritas Australia welcomes contributions to our current programs in Lebanon through our Middle East Regional Appeal, by calling toll free 1800 024 413 or DONATE NOW

Photo Source: AFP

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