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  7. Australian Ambassador to the Holy See launches Toiletry Bag Initiative with Catholic agencies in the Northern Territory

15 SEP 19

Australian Ambassador to the Holy See launches Toiletry Bag Initiative with Catholic agencies in the Northern Territory

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Toiletry Bag Initiative

On Thursday the 12th of September, Australian Ambassador to the Holy See, Melissa Hitchman, joined with State, Catholic and Indigenous agencies to launch a free Toiletry Bag Program in the Northern Territory.

The bags are available for those who find themselves away from home unexpectedly without access to their usual toiletry supplies including Indigenous Australians who travel from their communities to attend medical centres, survivors of domestic violence or the homeless.  

Generously provided by the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) in partnership with the St Vincent de Paul Society, the initiative was supported by catholic agencies Caritas NT and CatholicCare NT.

Ambassador Hitchman commented on the incredible goodwill of all those involved and how their initiative to assist the most vulnerable was a critical Australian contribution to promoting United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 3: ‘To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.”

Photo Credits: Australian Embassy to the Holy See
From Left to Right: CatholicCare NT A/g CEO Judy Davis; Caritas NT Council Member Sean Parnell OAM; RDH Social Work Manager John Edwards; Australia Day Council NT Chair Jeannette Button, Ambassador Hitchman; RDH Co Director of Nursing in the Women, Children and Youth Services Division Maureen Brittin; CatholicCare NT Sr Leone Wittmack RSC;  RDH Indigenous Liaison Office Manager Gail Madrill; RDH Chaplain David Hucker; and RDH Chaplain Deacon Rev Tony Cunningham

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