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17 MAY 21

Violence escalates in Jerusalem and Gaza

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Destroyed building in Gaza

Caritas Australia stands in solidarity with the people of Jerusalem and Gaza as the region experiences perhaps the worst outbreak of violent conflict in decades.  

There has been significant loss of life. Nearly 200 Palestinians have been killed by airstrikes and artillery from Israel. At least 1,200 people have been injured.  At least 17,000 people have sought emergency shelter in UNRWA schools. Ten Israelis have been killed by rockets fired from Gaza into Israeli civilian areas. 

Hear a recent update from Sister Bridget Tighe from Caritas Jerusalem about the conflict.

We stand with, and pray for, the people of Gaza during this shocking violence. All Caritas staff are accounted for and will assess the situation properly as soon as it is safe to do so. 

Caritas Australia supports the work of our partners across Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Through their network, Caritas Internationalis members and partners deliver essential emergency needs and supplies to Palestinians in the West Bank as well as the Gaza strip. 

Support our work in Gaza and the West Bank by donating to our Middle East Regional Appeal today. 

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