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25 NOV 22

The True Meaning of Christmas: Giving to Those in Need

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With decorations hanging around our homes and indulgent feasts in the works, there’s no doubt that Christmas is a time of celebration with our loved ones to cherish our blessings and the year gone by. 

Yet, for the millions of people living in poverty worldwide, their Christmas can starkly contrast our own. As the holiday season draws near, it’s crucial that we remember all the vulnerable people worldwide that still need support.  

How you can help those in need this Christmas 

With the ongoing ramifications of COVID-19, conflict in Ukraine, famine and climate change, many people across the world remain impacted by these devastating events.  

Those displaced have no four walls to call their own, moving from one shelter to another for their safety and protection. Struggling families continue to worry whether they’ll have food daily, let alone on Christmas day. And millions won’t be able to afford presents to give their loved ones as the cost of living continues to drastically rise.  

Christmas invites us all to show kindness, especially towards these communities facing hardship. Christmas gift donations are a way for many of us to participate in the season of giving and give back to those in need.  

Here are two ways you can give back this Christmas: 

1. Donate to help vulnerable families worldwide

Around the world, many families will be celebrating their holidays with much to smile for. For families like Mrs Lan’s, it was often difficult to do. 

Mrs Lan’s eight-year-old son, Quan*, and 12-year-old daughter, Loah*, were born with vision impairments in Vietnam, where around 6.2 million people live with a disability. Despite its prevalence, people with disability in Vietnam often face lifelong disadvantage and discrimination. 

“Because Quan cannot see clearly, it is hard for him to make friends with classmates. He has a hard time catching up with his studies,” Mrs Lan said.   

When she joined the Empowerment of People with Disabilities project, run by Caritas Australia’s partner, the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD) and supported by the Australian Government, through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP), their lives changed.   

The program provides community-based classes for children living with a disability, allowing them to play and socialise with other children by using quality mobility aids and devices. With activities including reading, writing, colouring and practising mobility exercises, the class gives children like Quan the ability to feel like a regular student. 

“In the past, my children often sat in one place without talking or making friends with anyone. Now it is different,” said Mrs Lan. “Quan is more active and smiles when there is something funny. He often goes out to play with his neighbours and friends.”      

Every child deserves to smile like Quan now does. Your Christmas donations will help change a child’s life and give them the happiness they deserve.  


2. Send a Global Gift

Give the gift of hope to those in need this Christmas with a Global Gift, our charitable Christmas cards.

We call them Global Gifts because the funds raised from these gifts support our work in empowering individuals and families across the world, including here in Australia. 

Our Global Gifts are an opportunity for you to make a real difference, helping to bring the gifts of education, empowerment, and health to help communities overcome the challenges of poverty. 

Help children living with severe disabilities by giving the Gift of Education: a gift that will help increase confidence and social participation. Give those living in poverty the Gift of Empowerment: a gift that will help equip and nourish vulnerable families to become healthier and stronger. Or give the Gift of Health: a gift that provides improved access to clean water for drinking, hygiene, and sanitation. 

Our beautiful gift cards start from as little as $10 and come in both printed and e-card versions.

No matter which one you choose, your Christmas gift donation will be helping communities living in poverty build brighter futures for themselves. 


 A time for gratitude and generosity 

Now more than ever, Christmas is a time to show solidarity to those in need. In whatever way you express your compassion - whether it be a Christmas donation, a Global Gift, or an act of kindness - know that even the smallest of actions can truly make a lasting impact for our brothers and sisters worldwide.  

How will you give back this Christmas? 


*Names have been changed to protect their identity.  

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