Immense humanitarian need in Ukraine

Caritas Australia’s partner Caritas Ukraine has called for support and assistance as it continues to support the country’s most vulnerable as the crisis escalates.  

In a matter of days, over half a million people have already been forced from their homes, as well as at least 400 civilian casualties. 

Millions of Ukrainians are now living through air raids and attacks, on top of three million people already in need of humanitarian assistance after eight long years of conflict in eastern Ukraine.

In addition to the needs of displaced families, children in Ukrainian residential institutions – particularly those in close proximity to the front line and nearby shelling – are at risk of physical harm and immense trauma. 

Caritas Ukraine is one of the few agencies who are directly on the ground, supporting people in need during this unfolding humanitarian crisis. 

“The events which began [on 24th February] will inevitably lead to a colossal humanitarian catastrophe. It is impossible to believe that in the 21st century in the centre of Europe people have to wake up at 5 am from explosions and the sound of air raid sirens.” said Tetiana Stawnychy, President of Caritas Ukraine, from her base in Kyiv. 

A message from Tetiana Stawnychy, President of Caritas Ukraine

"We ask for your solidarity, prayers and support!"

Ukraine is a country already suffering. After eight years of conflict, violence and insecurity have loomed large in the lives of Ukrainians. Over one million people were already displaced and a staggering three million already relied on humanitarian assistance. This escalation in conflict will have dire consequences for all Ukrainians, particularly the most vulnerable. 

As the situation continues to worsen, the need for humanitarian support has also increased, furthering the restriction of people’s movements, disrupting essential public services including water, power, transport and banking, and damaging vital infrastructure and homes.  

“Access to humanitarian aid is a major concern. It’s already hard to reach some communities, and the invasion will only make it harder. At the same time, the need is going to greatly increase.”  

Kirsty Robertson

Caritas Australia's CEO

Caritas Zaporizhzhia delivering food kits in buffer zone. Photo: Caritas Ukraine.

“Over the years there has been extensive damage to water, gas and electricity infrastructure. We are especially worried about the reports of attacks on water facilities – there is already a water shortage and this will only make things worse,” said Ms Robertson.  

Humanitarian priorities include basic food and hygiene kits, access to clean drinking water and fuel to vulnerable households to survive the cold weather condition.

Caritas Australia is working closely with our partner Caritas Ukraine to provide much-needed support in the form of food security, water, sanitation and hygiene and emergency shelter. 

Caritas Ukraine is also working to provide transportation and accommodation to displaced families, as well as setting up Child Friendly Spaces for children to heal from trauma. 

Caritas Ukraine is currently on the ground providing:


with regular meals and hygiene facilities for families who have been displaced by the conflict


to help displaced families move through conflict zones safely and reach friends, family and services providers


to families in need, including special child-friendly spaces for children who have experienced trauma during the conflict


providing information, referral services (medical, legal etc), free meals, water, hygiene supplies and psychological care for families as they flee to safer territories

Your urgent support today will provide immediate assistance to vulnerable communities impacted by this crisis. Please donate now to make a real difference to the lives of people in Ukraine. 

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The funds raised through this appeal will be used to provide immediate and longer-term humanitarian assistance to communities affected by crises in Ukraine.