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How Caritas Australia helps displaced people around the world

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Dignity Kits Distribution By CAFOD In Sudan. Photo CAFOD

The world is home to 110 million forcibly displaced people, with around 62 million people internally displaced within their own countries and over 36 million seeking refuge abroad. Women and girls are often heavily affected due to their lack of access to resources and decision-making power. 

Sometimes people are displaced, either within their own country or internationally, to areas that already face many insurmountable challenges. These regions simply can’t afford to support refugees in the way countries such as Australia are fortunate enough to be able to. In these instances, international humanitarian aid steps in. The following are just some of the projects supported by Caritas Australia that assist displaced people. 

Dignity Kits Distribution By CAFOD In Sudan. Photo CAFOD

South Sudan and Sudan

Around 2.2 million South Sudanese people are estimated to be displaced within the country with a similar number having fled to neighbouring countries. Conflict and flooding two of the major pressures forcing people from their homes. The country is one of the most food insecure places in the world. 

Caritas Australia supports our UK partner CAFOD and Irish partner Trocaire, who both have years of experience working in the region. Their programs address food insecurity through teaching sustainable agriculture practices, tools and seeds, as well as emergency food packages for displaced people. 

In Sudan, following armed clashes that began in April 2023, 5.4 million people have been displaced. Many have fled to neighbouring countries, but millions remain facing shortages of food, water, fuel, medicines and other vital supplies. 

We are supporting our partners CAFOD, SOS Sahel and ERRADA to provide urgent aid and assistance to those forced from their homes, including essentials like access to clean water, food, sanitation, and shelter. 

A Caritas Worker During A Homecare Visit In Moldova In 2024 Photo Credit Caritas Wien Elisabeth Sellmeier


In the first year of the conflict in Ukraine, 700,000 Ukrainian refugees entered Moldova with 100,000 remaining there. Moldova itself is subject to political insecurity with frequent changes in government as well as economic pressures as inflation currently sits at around 20 percent. This leaves Ukrainian refugees in the country increasingly dependent on international humanitarian support.  

We are supporting our partners Catholic Relief Services and Caritas Moldova to provide safe and dignified accommodation to refugees, support for food, rent and other necessities, plus mental health and education services, and support to host families. 

Find out more about our work in Ukraine

Woman sweeping in Cox's Bazar.

Northeast India and Bangladesh 

The people of Myanmar are among the most displaced in the world, following long-term political instability culminating in a military coup in 2021. Over one million refugees flee Myanmar each year according to UNHCR data, many to Northeast India and Bangladesh. Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh is now home to the world's largest refugee camp, with a population of 1 million. 

We are supporting our partners Caritas India and Caritas Bangladesh with programs that assist refugees with access to food, specialised nutrition for those in need, shelter, hygiene kits and psychosocial support.


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