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22 APR 22

Earth Day: Caring for our common home

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Photographs Of Bodinath Khaya Patnitala (3) (1)

Celebrated on 22 April every year, Earth Day is an opportunity for communities around the world to demonstrate their support and commitment towards environmental protection and preservation. 

The celebration of Earth Day was first proposed at a UNESCO meeting in 1969. First held on 22 April 1970, this day is now celebrated widely across the globe, inviting different nations, world leaders, communities and people of all ages to participate and together care for our common home. 

The theme of Earth Day in 2022 is ‘Invest in Our Planet’ and it is a call to action to build a prosperous and equitable future for all. With the help of our partners and the generosity of our supporters, Caritas Australia is working with vulnerable communities to care for the Earth and protect our common home for all future generations. 

This is the case for Bodinath from Bangladesh.   

Photographs Of Bodinath Khaya Patnitala IMAGE3

Bodinath, 49, lives in the Patnitala district located in the Northern part of Bangladesh. He joined the Community Managed Sustainable Livelihoods and Resilience Program in July 2021 through Caritas Australia’s partner, Caritas Bangladesh.   

The Community Managed Sustainable Livelihoods and Resilience Program aims to help program participants learn about sustainable agricultural practices such as using raised beds and sacks/baskets for year-round cultivation of organic vegetables. Small farmers produce organic fertilisers like vermi compost, compost of kitchen waste and cow dung or poultry litters and use them in their own vegetable gardens. Additionally, participants undergo training in Disaster Risk Reduction to be better prepared and more resilient in the face of potential natural disasters. 

Prior to joining the program, Bodinath did not have the skills and knowledge to use mixed organic crops farming technologies. He had to purchase vegetables from the market, which can be costly due to droughts and scarcity. As a result, Bodinath had to rely heavily on the income he made from physical labour.   

“I heard details about the program activities from its staff and became very much interested to get skill development training on integrated organic mixed vegetables gardening. I was looking for opportunities to learn organic farming technologies.”


His participation in the program allowed him to learn different farming technology, gain a sustainable income and improve his family’s nutrition.   

 “My neighbour often comes to visit my plot to learn about farming technologies. I am now recognised as a good farmer in my community, and I am happy and feel proud being involved with the program.”


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