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  7. Caritas Australia mourns the tragic loss of colleagues in Caritas Ukraine’s Mariupol centre

12 APR 22

Caritas Australia mourns the tragic loss of colleagues in Caritas Ukraine’s Mariupol centre

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Caritas Ukraine Mariupol centre before the Russian tank attack. Photo: Caritas Ukraine.

It is with heavy hearts that Caritas Australia announces the recent loss of two Caritas Ukraine staff in the Mariupol centre, along with five other people who were sheltering at the office when it was struck by a Russian tank on 15th March.

Caritas Australia stands in solidarity with Ukraine during this devastating conflict. We pray for our fallen colleagues and all the people in Ukraine whose lives are at risk from the ongoing attacks and violence.  

Mariupol has been under siege since late February. Over 400,000 people were trapped in the city for weeks, subject frequent Russian strikes which cut off electricity, gas, running water and other supplies. Aid agencies have been gravely concerned about the people still trapped in the city running out of medicine, food and clean water.  

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensk last night expressed concerns that chemical weapons have already been used, or will soon be used in Mariupol. These reports remain unconfirmed.  

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