Lebanon needs your support now

Lebanon is facing a dire humanitarian crisis. Your support can help provide emergency support to vulnerable communities.

Caritas Lebanon Waving A Flag Photo Credit Caritas Lebanon
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What is the current situation in Lebanon?

  • The ongoing crisis in Gaza has had a ripple effect in the region, with continued armed confrontation on Lebanon's southern border leading to a humanitarian crisis.
  • While a ceasefire is currently holding, tensions are high along the southern border and conflict could reignite, 
  • The poverty rate has nearly doubled and The World Food Program (WFP) estimates that food prices in Lebanon have risen by 628% in just two years.
  • Hospitals are rationing electricity and relying on patients to bring their own medicines due to a shortage of supplies, equipment and clean water.
  • Total damages are estimated at US$8.5 billion, including $2.8 billion in housing destruction and $1.1 billion in agricultural losses. 
  • While the ceasefire has meant people have been able to return to their homes, many people have found their homes and livelihoods destroyed.

Suffering in Lebanon

3,768 people

have been killed, including children.

15,700 people

have been injured.

886,000 people

have been internally displaced.

540,000 people

have fled to Syria.

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Donate to provide vulnerable communities with:

Emergency Shelter

Emergency cash provisions

Food and other essentials

Health and Psychosocial Support

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How your donation helps

What are the major issues facing people in Lebanon?

  • Runaway inflation has made the cost of living skyrocket, with food prices increasing 628% and petrol prices increasing 1000%.
  • The poverty rate has almost doubled over a two year period.
  • Over 1 million people were displaced by the war. Destroyed homes and livelihoods mean many people are still dependent on basic assistance to survive.
  • Extensive damage and limited state capacity pose major challenges to recovery efforts.
A Caritas Worker Hands Out Water Alongside The Road Photo Credit Caritas Lebanon
Volunteers Distribute Aid In Beirut. Photo Caritas Lebanon

Critical needs: what people in Lebanon need most right now

Ongoing displacement, economic struggles and damage from conflict have created an urgent need for:

✔️ Safe shelter 
✔️ Emergency food and clean water
✔️ Assistance with basic essentials
✔️ Health and psychosocial support 

Our response

In partnership with Caritas Lebanon we are supporting

37 centres providing rent and cash assistance for bills and school fees reporting up to 5,000 new people seeking assistance each week. 

10 primary healthcare centres and 8 mobile clinics providing diagnosis services, treatment, mental health services and distributing medications.

Secondary healthcare support across over 80 hospitals covering part or all of hospital fees for vulnerable people. 

Shelters for women seeking protection and escaping gender-based violence, providing shelter, food, medical, legal and psychosocial support as well as life skills and livelihood training.

Mobile clinics focussed on supporting people living with a disability and the elderly

Emergency shelter for vulnerable communities displaced by the conflict.

Access to food and essential items for displaced families. Overall, Caritas as served over 2 million hot meals in Lebanon.

Access to health and psychosocial support for those affected by conflict.

Stand with Lebanon — donate today

Your donation can help Lebanon's most vulnerable with emergency shelter, support for basic essentials, access to food and water, and health and psychosocial support.

Donate now to help families in Lebanon.

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Our long-term work in Lebanon

Our partners have been on the ground bringing humanitarian support to the population of Lebanon for many years, and have the infrastructure, expertise, and logistical knowledge of local contexts and conditions to ensure aid gets to where it is needed most.  

Social justice for Lebanon

Our work is shaped by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching

The Dignity of the Human Person

The Common Good

Subsidiarity and Participation


Preferential Option for the Poor

Economic Justice

Care for our Common Home

Promotion of Peace

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"The needs are huge and they are not being met."

Sana Nemer

Head of Social Department, Caritas Lebanon

"We are in continual crisis. When we think we get to the bottom, it sinks again and gets worse."

Gilbert Zouein

Executive Director, Caritas Lebanon

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The Caritas Lebanon Team Gathered Together Photo Credit Caritas Lebanon

Where does my donation go?

The funds you donate to this appeal go to Caritas Australia’s Emergency Response Fund and will be used to provide humanitarian assistance to communities affected by this crisis. Should circumstances prevent us from delivering aid to this emergency, or if excess funds remain after the crisis, donations will be directed to other emergencies where Caritas has humanitarian operations.

As a member of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID). Caritas Australia is committed and fully adhere to the ACFID Code of Conduct, conducting our work with transparency, accountability and integrity. Find out more about ACFID Code of Conduct for Emergency Appeals.

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