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Global water scarcity and solutions for the water crisis

Learn more about the issue of water scarcity and its contribution to global poverty


Water is one of the world’s most valuable and abundant resources. Yet, water scarcity exists in many countries and is a growing threat to millions of people around the world.

Water scarcity arises when the demand for clean and safe water outweighs the supply. And as global populations steadily increase, so too does the need for more water. Around the world, over 2.2 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water while over 40% of the world’s population is affected by water scarcity.

Water Facts

4.2 billion

people are living without adequate sanitation facilities

1 in 3

schools lack access to water and basic sanitation


of water-deprived households involve women and girls carrying the burden of water collection

200 million

hours are collectively spent by women around the world, collecting water

What is water scarcity?

The United Nations defines water scarcity as “The capacity of a population to safeguard sustainable access to adequate quantities of acceptable quality water for sustaining livelihoods, human wellbeing, and socio-economic development, for ensuring protection against water-borne pollution and water-related disasters, and for preserving ecosystems in a climate of peace and political stability.” 

Without reliable sources of water and water management systems to support them, rural and remote communities, the work of farmers, hospitals, schools, and other essential community development services come to a grinding halt. The search for water has a significant impact on the lives of vulnerable families, with hours taken each day to travel to a clean water source. It can hinder the education of children and young people, limiting employment opportunities and pushing them further into poverty.

What causes water scarcity?

There are a range of circumstances and events that can cause or contribute to water scarcity. These include: 

  • Arid conditions which can be worsened by the effects of a changing climate 
  • Population growth
  • Underdeveloped or non-existent water infrastructure and management systems 
  • Deforestation and removal of natural vegetation 
  • Wasting and/or misusing available water resources 

Combined, these factors are causing a global water crisis that is adversely impacting the health and development of men, women and children in the world’s most vulnerable communities. Globally, around 785 million people lack access to safe and clean drinking water.

Water, hygiene and sanitation

Safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene are crucial to human health and wellbeing, according to the World Health Organisation.

However, an estimated 4.2 billion people are living without adequate sanitation facilities.

Without safe water, maintaining hygiene and sanitation practices, health and wellbeing is almost impossible.

Contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked to the spread of preventable diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A and typhoid. (WHO)

When water comes from improved and more accessible sources, people spend less time on sometimes dangerous, risky journeys to collect it. 

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Safe WASH (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene)

Also contributes to livelihoods, better school attendance, less money spent on health and medical bills and helps to create thriving communities.

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The effects of water scarcity on health, education and equality 

Water and sanitation have a significant impact on the functioning of institutions, like healthcare facilities and hospitals that contribute to a community's overall health and development. For instance, without proper WASH facilities, healthcare facilities lack the necessary sanitary conditions to effectively treat their patients and are often overwhelmed by high numbers of people suffering from waterborne diseases.  

At least 1 in 3 schools lack access to water and basic sanitation. Without these basic facilities, children are often forced to miss out on classes or even drop out of school, with the search for water a time-consuming part of their daily lives. 

Water scarcity contributes to inequality

Particularly for women and girls who are among those most affected by water shortages and crises. In 80% of water-deprived households, women and girls carry the burden of water collection. Today, women around the world will spend a collective 200 million hours collecting water. This often leaves women with less time for education, work or caring for their families which reinforces the cycle of gender inequality.

Water crisis solutions

Though usable water sources like rivers, lakes and aquifers can replenish naturally over time, the constant demand leaves millions struggling with water shortages. Southeast Asia and Africa are home to some of the nations that are most affected by water shortages. 

Most of the communities that are affected in these regions rely on agriculture as a source of livelihood and income. However, there are solutions to the global water crisis, including: 

  • Enabling the construction and facilitation of efficient water infrastructure 
  • Creating awareness on the restoration and conservation of water ecosystems 
  • Training people in sustainable farming methods and efficient water usage 
  • Regulated use of water in highly industrialised zones 

How are we tackling the water crisis

We recognise that access to WASH is a human right and that it is crucial to the overall development of a community – especially one that is vulnerable to poverty. 

WASH activities are an integral part of our community development programs. We work closely with communities to raise awareness and improve infrastructure relating to water, hygiene and sanitation.

Our WASH programs include: 

  • Drilling boreholes and supporting communities to install water pumps so that they have access to clean water. 
  • Developing alternative safe water sources, such as ring wells and deep tube wells, rainwater harvesting tanks and sand filter systems. 
  • Building covered toilets, pot racks and sanitation facilities, such as simple Tippy Taps for hygienic hand washing. 
  • Providing education on improved hygiene practices. 
  • Supporting training on food production and agriculture, including introducing systems which use minimum quantities of water. 
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How water changes lives

In Zimbabwe, 12-year-old Thandolwayo dreamed of finishing her education and becoming a nurse. However, due to water scarcity she would walk seven kilometres each day, risking attacks from crocodiles, to collect contaminated water for her family. Our program helped her community to gain reliable access to clean water and put Thandolwayo back on the path to realising her dream. 

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