5 Reasons Why You Should Have a Will  

The importance of having a Will can not be overstated. When you have a valid Will, it gives you the best chance of your loved ones being looked after and your affairs being appropriately tended to. Download our 5 Reasons Why You Should Have a Will guide if you would like to learn more about why a Will is such an important document to have at any stage of life.

Our free guide includes: 

  • Five reasons why it is important to have a valid Will
  • Brief overview of Caritas Australia
  • An explanation of how to leave a bequest. 

We hope that this guide provides you with some useful insights that will help you to plan your legacy. 

Download the free guide

What is a bequest and why should I leave one? 

A bequest is an enduring way to support a particular cause or charity and create positive change for generations to come. 

A bequest is a donation that is left to a charity or organisation of your choice, as stated in your Will. A bequest can be: 

  • A Specific Gift: a sum of money, property or shares. You can ask your solicitor to draft a cash gift to account for inflation. 
  • A Residuary Gift: the remainder of your estate after all expenses, debts and taxes have been paid, and after any specific gifts. 
  • A Percentage Gift: a percentage of your residuary estate. This gift is used if you wish to divide your estate among a number of people and/or organisations. 

After you tend to the needs of your loved ones, leaving a charitable gift in your Will is one way to ensure that you leave behind a lasting legacy of compassion and love. Your gift will be used efficiently and cost-effectively, so it will have the greatest impact.