The aftermath of flooding in Bangladesh. Photo: Caritas Bangladesh

Bangladesh Cyclone

in 2022, Cyclone Sitrang hit Bangladesh, displacing thousands and affecting millions across the country. 




The Bangladesh cyclone appeal has now closed. Donations made to this appeal helped support immediate relief in the form of food, emergency shelter, access to safe water, hygiene support, and essential items.

You can still make a donation to our Emergency Response Appeal below to help communities that have been affected by disaster and conflict around the world. 

Emergency Response Appeal

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can provide emergency medical kits for families

Other amount

Can provide warm blankets to families living in a refugee camps

Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible

People load into a raft to escape from Rising waters. Photo: Caritas Bangladesh
People load into a raft to escape from Rising waters. Photo: Caritas Bangladesh

The impact of the Cyclone 

The path of Cyclone Sitrang crossed right over Cox’s Bazaar, one of the largest refugee camps in the world, which is home to over one million Rohingya refugees, mostly living in unstable temporary shelters.  

Cyclones, flooding, and natural disasters affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of Bangladeshi people.  

Your donations helped support out partner Caritas Bangladesh on the ground in aiding affected communities.


Disaster risk reduction 


Disaster risk reduction or DRR programs like the ones supported by Caritas Australia can mitigate the worst impacts of a crisis by effectively preparing and planning. In Bangladesh this meant evacuating thousands of people from the path of the cyclone to temporary shelters further inland, preparing food and water supplies and having WASH and medical facilities on standby for a surge. 

A silt wall being reinforced to hold back rising waters during Cyclone Sitrang in southern Bangladesh.  Photo: Caritas Bangladesh
A silt wall being reinforced to hold back rising waters during Cyclone Sitrang in southern Bangladesh. Photo: Caritas Bangladesh

Your donations supported our partners on the ground provide communities with:

Access to clean water

Emergency shelter for displaced families

Hygiene and sanitation facilities

Food rations for flood-affected families

The Climate Crisis in Bangladesh 


The ongoing impact of the climate crisis means cyclones like Sitrang will become more frequent and more intense. Compounding disasters one after the other, with little time in between for proper recovery and preparation. This places an enormous strain on local communities that are already coping with the ongoing effects of the climate crisis and poverty.  

Low-lying Bangladesh faces regular challenges from flooding and cyclones, which are increasing in regularity and severity. It is estimated that about 17 per cent of the people in Bangladesh will need to be moved in coming years if the impacts of a changing climate continue at the present rate.

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