Anatercia with other students in front of her local school in her village in Mozambique. Photo credit: Emidio Josine.

This Christmas, change a child's life

Your compassion this festive season can help transform the lives of vulnerable children worldwide like Anatercia.

Anatercia tends to maize farm with fellow farmers. Photo: Emidio Josine/ Caritas Australia.

Donate now to transform the lives of children like Anatercia

I'd like to make this donation

I would like to give

can provide a home visit by a rehabilitation therapist for two children with a disability in Vietnam.
a month can contribute to building a mobile hand washing station to support a community with clean water.

Other amount

Can provide warm blankets to families living in a refugee camp

Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible

Anatercia sits with her grandfather and grandmother outside their home in Mozambique. Photo credit: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia.
Anatercia sits with her grandfather and grandmother outside their home in Mozambique. Photo credit: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia.

Anatercia's daily life was consumed with household chores to support her struggling family. She had to walk nearly five hours every day to collect water, leaving her with little time to focus on her studies. 

For many children and girls in marginalised communities across the globe, this is a daily reality. As Anatercia juggled more and more responsibilities, her education began to suffer, with her dreams of becoming a nurse becoming further out of reach.   

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, Anatercia and her family joined the Integrated Rural Development Program, supported by Caritas Australia’s partner, Caritas Regional Chokwe. They installed an irrigation system on their farm as well as taps throughout the village. Anantercia no longer has to travel long distances to collect water and can focus on her education and gaining the skills to build a better life for herself and her community.

“We have run out of food several times. I help my family with the farm, cooking, fetching water and firewood, and caring for my mother. I also assist my grandfather in feeding, as he has difficulty in picking up utensils due to blindness.”


Your donation can help:

Anatercia lives in Mozambique and had to take on additional family responsibilities after her father passed away. Photo: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia

Improve food and water security

Anatercia walks to her local school in her village in Mozambique. Photo credit: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia.

Help children to go to school

Anatercia works in her fields in Mozambique. Photo credit: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia.

Provide psychosocial supports to vulnerable youth

Anatercia carries corn next to her fields in Mozambique. Photo credit: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia.

Spark joy this Christmas

I'd like to make this donation

I would like to give

can provide a home visit by a rehabilitation therapist for two children with a disability in Vietnam.
a month can contribute to building a mobile hand washing station to support a community with clean water.

Other amount

Can provide warm blankets to families living in a refugee camp

Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible