A view of the highlands in Papua New Guinea. Photo: Caritas Australia

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is Australia’s closest geographical neighbour, but the differences between the two countries could not be starker. High poverty and unemployment rates, inadequate access to safe drinking water, tribal conflicts, poor healthcare and gender-based violence are some of the challenges that face the people of PNG.  

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is Australia’s closest geographical neighbour, but the differences between the two countries could not be starker. High poverty and unemployment rates, inadequate access to safe drinking water, tribal conflicts, poor healthcare and gender-based violence are some of the challenges that face the people of PNG.  


Papua New Guinea

Population: 9 million

The impact of your support in Papua New Guinea:

Health Clinic In East Sepik province. Photo: Damars Pfendt/Caritas Australia

Health facilities can be upgraded to cater to the medical needs of the community.


Encouraging handwashing, although some schools don't have access to water. Photo: Caritas Australia/Caritas PNG

Health workers can upskill to provide better health care services to families. 

Health Clinic In East Sepik province. Photo: Damars Pfendt/Caritas Australia

Women can find a place of refuge from gender-based violence.  

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