Where We Work
After gaining independence in 1975, Mozambique was embroiled in civil war that resulted in the death of nearly one million people and the displacement of five million people. Mozambique’s high rate of poverty is maintained by challenges such as natural disasters, disease, high population growth, and water and food scarcity.

Anatercia with other students in front of her local school in her village in Mozambique. Photo credit: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia.

Anatercia works in her fields in Mozambique. Photo credit: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia.
Program snapshot: Integrated Rural Development Program
We have worked with our partner, Caritas Regional Chokwe, for over 20 years to support vulnerable communities in Mozambique. Â
Using an Asset-Based Community Driven (ABCD) approach, the project works to increase food security, nutrition and income, improve access to clean safe water and sanitation, support adult literacy programs and facilitate child protection training.Â

Anatercia carries corn while standing in her community's farm in Mozambique. Photo: Emidio Josine.
Families have increased food security, nutrition and income.

Anatercia lives in Mozambique and had to take on additional family responsibilities after her father passed away. Photo: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia
Vulnerable community members have improved access to clean safe water and sanitation.

Anatercia helps her elderly grandmother on the farm where they grow corn, beans, sweet potato, casava and lettuce. The farm is over an hour walk away from home so when her grandmother can’t make the journey, other community members help Anatercia. Photo: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia
Farmers have increased knowledge of drip irrigation techniques to increase agriculture production.

Anatercia sits with her grandfather and grandmother outside their home in Mozambique. Photo credit: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia.
Parents can earn enough money to send their children to school and reduce absenteeism rates.
Anatercia is a 12-year-old girl living in a small village in southern Mozambique. After her father passed away and her mother became incapacitated due to chronic health issues, life became a daily struggle.  
She moved in with her elderly grandparents, and began to take on more and more adult responsibilities. She did most of the household chores and had to travel for hours every day to collect clean water. Water scarcity also meant that harvests were poor and there was never enough to eat.  
With your support, Caritas Australia’s local partner, Caritas Regional Chokwe was able to help Anatercia’s family to irrigate their farm to improve their food security, while also improving water access for households in the village. Her grandmother participated in sustainable farming training, while Anatercia received essential school supplies and access to psychosocial supports through a local health committee. 
Now, Anatercia can easily access clean drinking water, community members are able to grow healthy crops all year round, and there is enough nutritious food to eat. Anatercia has more time to study and do her homework, and hopes to fulfil her dream of becoming a nurse. 

Anatercia walks to her local school in her village in Mozambique. Photo credit: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia.
After completing the program, we managed to have food from our irrigated farm, even without rain.

Anatercia's story
Anatercia, a 12-year-old girl living in southern Mozambique, was struggling to cope with adult responsibilities after her father passed away. With your support, her quality of life has improved and she can focus on doing well at school.
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