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Where We Work


Malawi is often referred to as the ‘Warm Heart of Africa’ because of the friendliness of its people. Climate shocks and low agricultural productivity mean that poverty levels remain high in Malawi

Memory On Her Farm

The impact of your support in Malawi

Impact Map
Impact Map

Program snapshot: A+ Successor Program

  • Caritas Australia is working with CADECOM (Catholic Development Commission in Malawi) to support marginalised rural communities across the country.

  • Using a Strengths-Based Approach, the project aims to empower communities to improve food security and access to water and sanitation while also addressing gender inequalities child protection issues.

  • Along with your generous support, this program is supported by the Australian Government, through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

Communities can utilise their existing assets and natural resources to improve their income.  

Families can access clean drinking water and handwash facilities.  

Young people can learn vocational training skills to boost their employment prospects. 

Child protection committees are established to help reduce incidences of early child marriage. 

Memory At Work

Memory's story  

Memory lives in rural Malawi and is the eldest child in a family dependent on subsistence farming for survival. Being the firstborn from a low-income family, Memory had to take on many household chores and farming activities to support her parents. They struggled to pay for Memory’s school fees and school supplies, and Memory often had to walk to school barefooted.  

With the support of Caritas Australia and its partner the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM), Memory was able to enrol at a technical college where she learnt technical skills in carpentry. She undertook a three-year carpentry course, with CADECOM supporting part of her tuition and boarding fees.  

Memory became the first female carpenter from her village and secured a job as a carpenter at one of Malawi’s largest hydroelectric power stations. With the income from her job, she can provide financial support to her family and inspire other young women in her community so that they may have the opportunity to succeed in a male-dominated industry. 

"In my community, most people think that only men can be carpenters, so I want to prove to my community that women can do it as well."

Memory Holding Power Tools


Memory's story

Follow Memory on her journey to become the first female carpenter from her village in Malawi:

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