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Australian Government Partnership

Partnership is at the heart of Caritas Australia and is integral to the goals we're working to achieve. With the support of the Australian Government, and through partnerships with local organisations and Church networks, we are able to reach where the need is greatest and work together for a just future.

A woman in Nepal weaving

The impact of our partnership

Caritas Australia is a valued partner of the Australian Government, receiving flexible funding under the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) each year to implement development and poverty alleviation programs overseas. 

Here is a snapshot of the impact that Caritas Australia delivered in partnership with the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) in 2023/2024.

17 programs

13 countries

187,731 direct participants

54% of participants were women and girls

The Vietnam Disability Program helps young people living with a disability to gain valuable vocational and social opportunities. 

See Lam's journey from isolation to independence, as he fulfils his dream of becoming a graphic designer. 

Programs Snapshot: Vietnam Disability Program

The Quang Tri and Quang Nam provinces in Vietnam have the highest concentration of people and children with disabilities compared to other regions. 

In partnership with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD), this program aims to empower children, youth and adults living with disabilities, and their carers, through
helping improve access to quality health services, education and livelihood opportunities. 

The program is designed to strengthen the capacity of community-based Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) and Parents Associations (PAs) at district and commune levels as well as teachers and health workers, to better equip them in their work to support people with disabilities. 

Mrs Lan1
Story 1 Fiji

Programs Snapshot: Improving Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods in the Northern Division

Fiji might be famous for its coral reefs and lagoons, but beyond the beaches there are many remote communities that experience high levels of poverty, particularly in the northern division of Fiji. Climate change and natural disasters have pushed the communities further below the poverty line due to its effects on crops and the ability to rehabilitate. This issue has given a rise in concern for the food and nutrition security of the communities. NCDs are the cause of 80% of deaths in Fiji. 

Run in partnership with FRIEND, this program supports communities in northern Fiji to improve their food security and access to sustainable livelihood opportunities. 

Program Snapshot: Innovative Climate-Smart Livelihood Enhancement for Resilience Building Project (CLEAR) 

This project is targeted at remote communities in Ethiopia who are suffering from repeated drought and conflict driven crisis at the southern part of the country. The most pressing concern of the rural communities is the continued pressure on limited land resources without adequate access to improved farming technologies. Moreover, the absence of adequate potable water is resulting to water borne diseases outbreaks in the communities.  

In partnership with Caritas Ethiopia, the project aims to improve agricultural productivity through provisions of irrigation schemes, diversify community members' income sources  and promote appropriate drinking water and irrigation technologies.

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Stories of impact from ANCP partnership

Thu joined a disability support club for people in rural Vietnam and opened his own barber shop.

Meet Thu

Priscilla learnt conservation farming skills to combat the impact of drought and climate change on her community in Zimbabwe.

Priscilla's story

In partnership with the Australian government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP), the Malawi Integrated Community Development program supports communities to tackle food insecurity, improve access to clean water and support livelihood opportunities for young people.

Watch this video to see how the program supported Memory to access a carpentry training course so that she could become more financially independent. 

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