Chiquito in his farm in Timor Leste. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

You can help make hunger history

Children and families in Timor-Leste are going hungry – but you can help. Your donation today can help make hunger history.

You can help make hunger history

Children and families in Timor-Leste are going hungry – but you can help. Your donation today can help make hunger history.

Search and rescue efforts in the aftermath of the devastating landslide in Papua New Guinea. Photo: Getty Images

Catastrophic landslide in Papua New Guinea

Hundreds are feared dead and thousands displaced after a devastating landslide struck a remote village in Papua New Guinea.

Donate Now
Aerial view of buildings destroyed by Israeli airstrikes in the Jabalia camp for Palestinian refugees in the City of Gaza – Credit Yahya Hassouna/Getty Images.

Humanitarian crisis in Gaza

People in Gaza are in urgent need of humanitarian aid. Your support is needed now to help provide immediate basic needs.

Donate Now
A Caritas worker walks through the destruction in Gaza. Photo: Caritas Jerusalem

Emergency Appeals

Your support can help bring emergency shelter, food, clean water, medical care and psychosocial support to communities vulnerable communities around the world.  


Be their partner in recovery, their partner in compassion

In the face of adversity - of conflict, of hunger, of disease, of crisis, or natural disaster - people do not lose their capability. They lose their resources, their connections, their voice and their ability to create meaningful, enduring change for themselves. You can be there for these people, standing alongside them in empathy and understanding, putting your compassion into action by helping provide access to what they have lost, helping them build a better future.

You can be a partner in their solution. A partner in compassion.

Priscilla inspects her drought-affected fields of millet next to her home in Hwange district, north-western Zimbabwe. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Priscilla's Story

Climate change continues to bring unprecedented challenges for people living in the most vulnerable and remote communities in Zimbabwe. Priscilla learnt conservation farming skills to grow drought-resistant crops and started poultry farming to support her family during the current food crisis. 

Priscilla's story
Laxmi is now an advisor at her child's club, helping nurture the next generation of young leaders. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Laxmi's story

After losing her father at a young age, Laxmi was at risk of falling further into extreme poverty. But with the support of our partner Caritas Nepal, Laxmi joined a child's club, became a leader in her school and is now a mentor to other girls in her village.

Laxmi's story
Shaniella is seen in a classroom at her Rural Training Centre near the capital Honiara, Solomon Islands. Photo: Neil Nuia/Caritas Australia

Shaniella's Story

Shaniella from the Solomon Islands was determined to forge a path out of poverty, moving away to a rural vocational school. With your support, she was able to overcome the challenges of natural disasters, and gain the skills she needs to create a brighter future for herself.

Shaniella's story


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Why you can’t donate goods to Caritas Australia

02 Jul 24

When disasters strike, we get asked one question a lot. Can I donate food, clothes, or other goods to help? The desire to do something more personal than donate money is generous and compassionate, but we must always answer no. 

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Reflections from Vietnam: My first international content collection trip with Caritas Australia

25 Jun 24

My name is Serena, and as a Content Marketing Specialist at Caritas Australia, I had the privilege to recently travel to Vietnam with the Content Marketing Manager, Tim. As my first content collection trip, I wanted to share my reflections on our time overseas filming and collecting images for next year’s Project Compassion campaign.  

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A visit to the world's largest refugee camp in Bangladesh

20 Jun 24

Aurora and Mark from the content and communication teams visit Bangladesh in May for a content collection trip. Trips like these are a vital way for us to share stories from the field with our generous community of supporters.  


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On the front lines of the climate emergency in Bangladesh

19 Jun 24

Aurora and Mark from the content and communication teams visited Bangladesh in May for a content collection trip. Trips like these are a vital way for us to share stories from the field with our generous community of supporters.



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Your Compassion in Action

Read about the impact that your support achieves. Inspiring stories of strength, resilience and change, that are made possible with your support and generosity.


Your Compassion in Action Autumn 2024 edition.
Your Compassion in Action Autumn 2024 edition.


Whether it's getting active or hosting an event there are many ways that you can raise funds to support people in vulnerable communities.

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Leave a gift in your will

Your commitment to tackling poverty and supporting sustainable change can live on with a gift in your Will.

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Sign up for Workplace Giving

Every dollar can change lives. By donating just a small amount each month, you can help provide essential support such as improving access to clean water, healthcare and education.

Workplace Giving

Compassion in Action

For 60 years, Caritas Australia has been working with vulnerable communities around the world to forge a path out of poverty. 


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