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School Resources

Social and ecological justice resources for teachers. 

Sandhurst JM Camp Benalla Planning

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A case study and activities sharing Leaia's story from Samoa.

A case study featuring Leaia from Samoa with accompanying activities for secondary students.

A case study with activities sharing Ronita's story from the Philippines. 

A case study featuring Ronita from the Philippines with accompanying activities for secondary students.

A case study featuring Memory from Malawi with accompanying activities for Years 3-6.

A classroom resource exploring the rights of First Nations Australians, with information, case studies and learning tasks.

A PowerPoint presentation that explains Caritas Australia's Strengths-based Approach to community development for primary school students. 

A series of learning activities that deeply unpacks the issue of food insecurity and hunger in our world.

Learn about the Laudato Si' Goals with this PPT Presentation and accompanying Student Workbook.

A collection of nature-based activities for the whole family to encourage a shared sense of awe and contemplation about nature.

An information PPT about the Africa food crisis and the Make Hunger History campaign.

A case study featuring Thu from Vietnam with accompanying activities for secondary students.

A PowerPoint Presentation for Secondary schools exploring the Australian Aid program.

An introduction to the issue of global poverty.

A PowerPoint explaining how people are displaced due to climate related events.

A story about Jamila, a woman who escaped conflict to find refuge in Cox's Bazar Refugee Camp in Bangladesh. Lesson activities included. 

An introduction to the issue of global poverty.

A worksheet that develops students' ethical and practical understanding of child rights, for Years F-3.

Includes three Project Compassion stories with activities linked to Lent and Catholic Social Teaching.  

Learn about Cool Burning / Carbon Farming through the work of Caritas Australia's partner, Aboriginal Carbon Foundation.

Viewing 1-21 of 102

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