You can help families like Leaia's in Samoa access clean water

Leaia and her children collecting water to bring home. Photo: Laura Womersley/Caritas Australia

Samoa may be a country surrounded by water, but access to clean drinking water is scarce in some areas, with many families facing extreme hardship as a result. 

Families like Leaia's who don't have a piped water system often have to collect water in old refrigerators or walk long distances with buckets. Without clean water, children are more likely to miss out on school. 

With your support, families in Samoa can have access to water tanks so that they can harvest rainwater. This means children can have easy access to water to drink, clean and bathe. The time that was previously used to collect drinking water can now be used for other essential tasks and, most importantly, children don’t have to miss out on school. 

Donate now and help more families like Leaia's access clean water today.

Leaia pictured inside her home in Samoa. Photo: Laura Womersley/Caritas Australia

It makes me feel worried for my family and I, especially my kids because of the lack of water supply we have access to, we really need the water all the time.


How your donation today can help create lasting change for future generations

Leaia with her new water tank outside her home. Photo: Laura Womersley/Caritas Australia

Water tanks can be installed for families living in the most vulnerable communities

Leaia's children on their way to school. Photo: Laura Womersley/Caritas Australia

Children can spend more time at school instead of collecting water

Leaia's daughter brushing her teeth using water from her family's newly-installed water tank. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

Families can have easier access to clean water at home

Leaia and her family now have access to a water tank at home. Photo: Laura Womersley/Caritas Australia

Donate now and create lasting change for families like Leaia's

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can support community health workers in running a small, locally-led pharmacy in an urban slum in the Philippines.
a month could buy water filters to provide families and students in Malawi with access to clean and safe water.

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will help vulnerable communities to create a better tomorrow

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