Memory with current students at her former technical training college in Blantyre, Malawi. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

You can be a partner in compassion and help create lasting change for generations

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can support community health workers in running a small, locally-led pharmacy in an urban slum in the Philippines.
a month could buy water filters to provide families and students in Malawi with access to clean and safe water.

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will help vulnerable communities to create a better tomorrow

Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible

"Being a female carpenter sets example to other females in my community. They see that even a woman can do what men can do."


Memory with her siblings and father near their home in Malawi. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia
Memory with her siblings and father near their home in Malawi. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

Your compassion can help break the cycle of poverty and inequality for an entire community.

The generous support of people like you provided Memory with the training and qualifications she needed to become a carpenter. Today, she is the first female carpenter from her village. Her success is inspiring her siblings and other young women in her community to pursue their dreams and continue with their education.

Your support can help more young women like Memory to attend technical college so that they can learn vital vocational skills and boost their employment prospects.

Your donation today can have a ripple effect that creates lasting change for generations. 



How your support can help communities like Memory's in Malawi

Women learning carpentry at a technical college in Malawi. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

Young people can access training to develop vocational skills

Memory (centre) with her parents, Lector and Lute, and siblings in their village in Mwanza district, southern Malawi. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

Families can improve their food security

Memory collects water at her family village in Mwanza district, southern Malawi. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

Communities can have better access to clean water

Banana winemaking group in Malawi. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

Women can join savings and loans groups to increase their income