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05 JUN 18

Tax Time - A time to support the world's poor

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As the end of the financial year approaches, Caritas Australia is urging people to consider a charitable donation that can boost their tax return, while providing life-saving work in some of the world’s poorest communities.

Caritas Australia, part of one of the largest humanitarian networks in the world, works in 27 countries. Last year Caritas Australia, through its partners and thanks to supporters, reached 2 million people directly through its emergency and development programs.

When Bangladesh flooded in 2017, two-thirds of the country was underwater and many vulnerable communities were left with almost nothing.

"The floods, which were caused by monsoonal rains across South Asia, wreaked destruction washing away homes in Bangladesh, Nepal and India. At its peak the disaster affected more than 40 million people and claimed many lives," said Eleanor Trinchera, Caritas Australia's Program Coordinator, Bangladesh and Nepal.

Caritas stepped in to provide support for those most vulnerable. In the aftermath of the floods, water supplies were contaminated, access to sanitation limited and many crops had been washed away.

Nine months on, Caritas Australia continues to work with affected communities delivering programs to improve food supplies and teaching participants how to build stronger, weather-resistant homes.

"In Nepal, one of the people we helped was a young mother, Bimala,” Eleanor said.

“She was heavily pregnant at the time of the floods, and because her home was destroyed she had to give birth to twins in a community hall. Caritas helped Bimala and her babies make it through this difficult time by providing milk, food and warm clothes.”

Ms Trinchera said your donation will make a difference, helping women, children and men lift themselves out of poverty.

“It’s already been nine months since the flooding in these countries and many communities are struggling to get back to day to day life,” Eleanor said.

"By standing together with those in poverty, we can help them to rebuild their lives with dignity and hope.”

You can donate to Caritas Australia’s End of Financial Year appeal by visiting https://www.caritas.org.au/give or by calling 1800 024 413.

Caritas media contact: caritasmedia@caritas.org.au.

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