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  7. Caritas welcomes Labor’s commitment to strengthen Australia's aid program

13 MAR 19

Caritas welcomes Labor’s commitment to strengthen Australia's aid program

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Labour Announcement

Caritas Australia welcomes the firm commitment to start to restore Australia’s international aid program made by Federal Shadow Foreign Minister, Senator Penny Wong, in her address last night to the University of Queensland.

Caritas Australia’s CEO, Paul O’Callaghan said: “We welcome Labor’s commitment to rebuilding the aid budget following the large cuts made by the government over the last five years.”

“We also welcome their recognition of climate change resilience and adaptation as a key element for a successful aid program, their appointment of a human rights ambassador to oversee the activities of Australian companies operating overseas, and their commitment to rebuilding development expertise within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).”

In Cambodia water distribution systems are improving the quality of life.
Photo Chanthea Nou. Caritas Australia

“Aid programs transform the lives of millions of people. Simple things like access to clean water or the opportunity to go to school can make a world of difference in enabling people to break free from the cycle of extreme poverty.”

“We expect that both major political parties will restore the Australian aid budget in line with our formal government commitment as a signatory to the global Sustainable Development Goals,” he said.

Caritas Media contact: Nicole Clements on 0408 869 833/ nicolec@caritas.org.au or Daniel Nour on 0407 536 130/ caritasmedia@caritas.org.au.

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