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Why you can’t donate goods to Caritas Australia

02 Jul 24

When disasters strike, we get asked one question a lot. Can I donate food, clothes, or other goods to help? The desire to do something more personal than donate money is generous and compassionate, but we must always answer no. 

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Reflections from Vietnam: My first international content collection trip with Caritas Australia

25 Jun 24

My name is Serena, and as a Content Marketing Specialist at Caritas Australia, I had the privilege to recently travel to Vietnam with the Content Marketing Manager, Tim. As my first content collection trip, I wanted to share my reflections on our time overseas filming and collecting images for next year’s Project Compassion campaign.  

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A visit to the world's largest refugee camp in Bangladesh

20 Jun 24

Aurora and Mark from the content and communication teams visit Bangladesh in May for a content collection trip. Trips like these are a vital way for us to share stories from the field with our generous community of supporters.  


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On the front lines of the climate emergency in Bangladesh

19 Jun 24

Aurora and Mark from the content and communication teams visited Bangladesh in May for a content collection trip. Trips like these are a vital way for us to share stories from the field with our generous community of supporters.



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