Ronita is 22 years old and lives in Quezon City, Philippines. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Compassion is universal

Whether across the globe, or right here at home, Caritas Australia partners with people facing poverty, hunger and disaster to create lasting change, together.


Compassion is universal

Whether across the globe, or right here at home, Caritas Australia partners with people facing poverty, hunger and disaster to create lasting change, together.


Compassion should be a universal language.
Come speak it with us.

700 million

people living in extreme poverty

828 million

people experiencing food insecurity

2.2 billion

people without access to clean water

We walk hand-in-hand with vulnerable communities, creating lasting change together.

Food security

Around the world, an estimated 828 million people will go to sleep hungry tonight. Through sustainable agricultural training and improved access to resources like clean water, families can have reliable and sustainable sources of food all year round.

Disaster preparedness

It is often the most vulnerable communities who are most at-risk of the impacts of climate change. Through Disaster Risk Reduction activities, communities can be ready to respond and recover when an emergency strikes. 


Poverty alleviation

A deep-rooted global issue like poverty requires comprehensive resolutions. Because poverty ties into other issues such as health, climate change and equality, an integrated approach is needed to ensure that vulnerable communities can be empowered to create lasting and enduring change.

Women's development

Every day, women around the world are disproportionately affected by poverty, food insecurity, climate change, gender-based violence, as well as a lack of access to education, health care and employment. When women are empowered to live fulfilling lives, communities can thrive economically and socially.

We are compassion in action

Laxmi and her mother Mankala work in their fields close to their home in Jajarkot district, western Nepal. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Walking together hand-in-hand with the most vulnerable communities

Ronita and her son, Egzy Grey, in their home in the Philippines. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Supporting mothers to forge a brighter future for their children

Leaia outside her home in Samoa, which was built from recycled scraps. Photo: Laura Womersley/Caritas Australia

Standing with communities on the frontline of climate change

Janice is a traditional dancer who tells stories through movements handed down over generations. Photo credit: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia.

Accompanying and learning from our First Australian partners

Our global impact

1.5 million

The number of people supported in 2022/2023 through development and emergency programs.


the number of long-term development programs across Asia, Africa, the Pacific and Australia.


the number of countries Caritas Australia supported in 2022/2023

How your compassion in action can help change lives:

Dr Ben (left) does a vision test with 22-year-old Ronita’s eldest son Clark (5) in a small doctor’s surgery in Quezon City, Philippines. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Mothers living in urban slums in the Philippines can access medical clinics

Leaia and her family outside their home in Samoa. Photo: Laura Womersley/Caritas Australia

Families in Samoa can have improved access to clean water

Improved access to clean water means Thandolwayo can spend more time at school. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Children in rural Zimbabwe can spend more time at school

Shirley standing on the island of Camarines Norte in the Philippines. Photo credit: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia.

Donate now

I'd like to make this donation

I would like to give

can help purchase enough seeds for four families during an agricultural season.
a month can contribute to building a mobile hand washing station to support a community with clean water.

Other amount

will help vulnerable communities to create a better tomorrow.

Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible