Support communities in Asia affected by disaster



Many countries across the Asian region are vulnerable to disasters and emergencies, including flooding, typhoons, earthquakes, climate shocks, food security, and issues relating to refugees and internally displaced populations. 

For example, the Philippines was hit by 6 typhoons in a 12-month period between 2021-2022, Pakistan was hit by major flooding in 2022 that affected 33 million people, while Bangladesh is prone to flooding and climate change shocks, while also dealing with a refugee crisis from neighbouring Myanmar. 

As the impacts of climate change increase, flooding and storms will increase in frequency and severity, which will also impact social and political stability across the region. 

Making a donation to our Emergency Response Appeal can help communities that have been affected by disaster and conflict around the world.

Emergency Response Appeal

I would like to give

can provide emergency medical kits for families

Other amount

Can provide warm blankets to families living in a refugee camps

Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible

When emergencies hit, we are on the ground with:

Food, water and emergency shelter

Hygiene, PPE and sanitation kits

Medication and health services

Trauma support